Oilfield Apps Apps

Pressure Calculator 1.0
Oilfield Apps
Application created to calculate:- Mud Weight to Pressure Gradient- Pressure Gradient to Mud Weight- Hydrostatic Pressure to Mud Weight and Pressure GradientApplication has build in calculating units checked with manyequations from books and excels files used in oilfield. Margin ofdifference between this application and other sources is less then0.5% - at least those checked by me.Please be advised that installing it and using you are do it onyour own risk and I can not answer to any problems on the rig thatyou have because you decided to use that application.My goal in designing and creating this and other application issimple – to help people on the rig and let them have a bit lessstress during hard days of work. Since it is impossible for me tocheck every scenario there is please let me know about any problemyou might have encountered and I will do my best to correct themand provide best support possible.
Strokes Calculator 1.0
Oilfield Apps
Application info.This and other applications by Oilfield Apps have been createdto provide help during rough days/nights on rig or simply to beused as specific calculators. The goal of creating them was toaccelerate calculations on fly when they are needed and not toworry about finding or remembering specific equations in order tocalculate much needed data.I have been using many excel files written by myself or myfellow friends from rigs to help myself or others. They were agreat success and they have never failed me on the rig or in theoffice – one day I have decided that it would be cool to have setof apps in my phone I could use anytime – rig floor, pits, etc.Those apps and calculating functions were crosschecked with manyequations from scientific books, papers or excel files. All used indifferent countries that I have come across during my career – theyworked for me and hopefully they should work for you.However I can NOT guarantee that it will suit you and yourneeds, since different operators use different factors to calculateor they use different decimal rounding that I have been using whilewriting those applications and calculating units. Checking myalgorithms results, I was able to score less then 0.5% differencebetween results in worst cases.That being said, please remember that you are using thoseapplications at your own risk and I can NOT be blamed for you beingrun off location, getting kick from formation or next World War… Mygoal is simply to help people with their work and maybe actuallysave someone’s ass and money, because I know that life on rig canbe hard…What is more, since as much as I would like to check thosecalculations in every possible scenario please report in commentswhat problems you have encountered and what calculation differencesyou got and why. Thanks to that, I will be able to write additionalmethods or maybe slightly change them in order to match yours. Infuture I am planning to start a website where we could discussthese problems and maybe create such calculators for desktopcomputers!
Mud Balance 1.0
Oilfield Apps
Application created to calculate:- Weight up volume- Mixing mud with different mud weight- Lowering mud weight by base fluids etc.- Calculating Slug length in pipe, annular space or empty hole.Application has build in calculating units checked with manyequations from books and excels files used in oilfield. Margin ofdifference between this application and other sources is less then0.5% - at least those checked by me.Please be advised that installing it and using you are do it onyour own risk and I can not answer to any problems on the rig thatyou have because you decided to use that application.My goal in designing and creating this and other application issimple – to help people on the rig and let them have a bit lessstress during hard days of work. Since it is impossible for me tocheck every scenario there is please let me know about any problemyou might have encountered and I will do my best to correct themand provide best support possible.
ECD Calculator 1.0
Oilfield Apps
Application created to calculate:- Equivalent Circulating Density (ECD),- Annular Pressure Loss- Maximum Allowable Mud Weight from Leak-Off TestApplication has build in calculating units checked with manyequations from books and excels files used in oilfield. Margin ofdifference between this application and other sources is less then0.5% - at least those checked by me.Please be advised that installing it and using you are do it onyour own risk and I can not answer to any problems on the rig thatyou have because you decided to use that application.My goal in designing and creating this and other application issimple – to help people on the rig and let them have a bit lessstress during hard days of work. Since it is impossible for me tocheck every scenario there is please let me know about any problemyou might have encountered and I will do my best to correct themand provide best support possible.
Strokes and Volume Calculator
Oilfield Apps
New improved Strokes and Volume Calculator allow you to calculate:*Pump output for triplex and duplex pumps * Annular velocitywithinyour annulus * Volume and fluid levels of different types ofthanks* The most important calculate strokes and volume of youremptyhole, the annulus (annular volume and strokes) and drillstringcapacity and strokes. Strokes and Volume Calculator containsfewcalculators which allow you to calculate as described above.Strokesand volume calculator allows you to design your drillstring fromsurface to bit or from bit to surface and your hole(casing, linerand open hole). Volume and strokes are calculatedfor each part ofthe drill string (drill collars, heavy weight,different drill pipesetc.), there is no limit as of how many partsof drill string youcan input. Calculations are divided in resultscreen into 3different parts - Hole - Drill String - Annular.Calculation resultsare displayed in the list as per parts enteredand later summary oftotal volume and strokes is displayed at theend of the list. Thereis more to come. If you would like to seemore of our apps oradditional functions please feel free to dropan e-mail or leave thecomment and we will certainly do our best tohelp or contact youback for further details. The main goal ofcreation and developmentof Oilfield Apps is to help fellowoilfield people in their everydaystruggle to do their best job. Aswe all know sometimes things onrig site can go wrong and duringthose stressful situations lookingfor the equation or calculatingsomething on paper can be painful.That is the reason behindOilfield Apps to provide best mobile appsin the industry. However,I cannot guarantee that everything is andalways will be perfectand correct especially that differentcompanies use slightlydifferent factors to calculate (differentnumber rounding ofnumbers etc.). I did my best to unify all thosefactors since theyare all very close to each other. I was able toachieve differencesbetween my apps and other calculators (or excelfiles) in the rangeof 0-0.5% which is I believe extremely close.Happy Drilling,Oilfield Apps.